Tag Archives: Alien Buddha

Quarry Received a New Review!

“I finished “Quarry”. I couldn’t put it down. I’m giving it to my daughter for her to read and pass on to my 16-year-old grandson. Orphaned teens and children are being used by rich men as prey in their hunting games. Teo and the rest of the teen gangs organize and better their lives in the streets of L.A. This a story of the young wanting a better, safe life without fear of being used by the privileged adults. I liked reading about how Teo and Tina succeeded in creating a safe haven for themselves and the other teens and children in the story. The author kept my interest and I felt he understood teens and how they would react if they lived in such a world.” Linda Dennis, retired teacher.

Get it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Quarry-Robert-Walton/dp/B0CJ48HJ1J/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1E01P2FJWDV36&keywords=quarry+robert+walton&qid=1701714587&sprefix=Quarry+Walton%2Caps%2C567&sr=8-1

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