Tag Archives: Harriet Tubman

The Civil War returns to San Lorenzo Park!

Harriet Tubman told her stories and sang her songs. A battlefield surgeon did the best he could and explained his craft to our students. Our kids marched to Gettysburg and listened to Lincoln. It was a great day for all.

Teachers and re-enactors created a dynamic civics classroom at San Lorenzo Park on May 12th. The students of Chalone Peaks Middle School participated with energy and intelligence. They emerged with experiences they’ll remember their entire lives, lessons about honor, sacrifice and the price of freedom for all.  

Ivan Garcia took great photos of the day. Please enjoy his work and the efforts of our young people. https://lightroom.adobe.com/shares/12fc28d40fc84a05bcd65a2d0a5c9192?fbclid=IwAR18PaWW3Rz–aacNhqMEuPobol7C9kiwyCQqq8fMML8u3LBdCIlYZZYs3s

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The Civil War after Covid

Battle is joined.

Teachers and re-enactors created a dynamic civics classroom at San Lorenzo Park on May 20th. The students of Chalone Peaks Middle School participated with energy and intelligence. They emerged with experiences they’ll remember their entire lives, lessons about honor, sacrifice and the price of freedom for all.  

We began our day at King City Cemetery by honoring Civil War veterans buried there. Students read “Shiloh”, a great poem by Herman Melville. President Lincoln offered remarks about the difficult, crucial service the soldiers rendered. A rifle volley, a hymn played by Chris Andrew and taps ended our ceremony. We then marched on to battles, seminars and the Gettysburg Address.

Ed Haskell took great photos of the day. Please enjoy his work and the efforts of our young people.

Confederates march
Anxious Confederates
Union soldiers fire.
Cannons fire.
Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth share stories about the lives of slaves.
Lincoln gathers his thoughts before delivering the Gettysburg Address.
The battle continues.
Brother kills brother.
Lincoln’s words uplift.

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The Civil War Revisited – Again!

The students and teachers of Chalone Peaks Middle School created a great Civil War reenactment last May. Deep learning about our shared history, superb teamwork and great fun defined the day. It was the 18th time Bull Run, Gettysburg and the Civil War camps of both armies were brought to life by all the participants. As usual, I learned from both the students and the history. I would have shared Dave Park’s wonderful photos of our 18th annual event sooner, but I missed the link back in May. Better late than never! Enjoy!



The doctor is in!


Brothers fought.

Lee listens.

Harriet Tubman teaches.

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Chalone Peaks Middle School 2018 Civil War Reenactment

Students and teachers of Chalone Peaks Middle School once again created a great event yesterday. Helped by parents and loyal reenactors, everyone worked together to make the 2018 Civil War reenactment a learning experience without equal. History came alive before young people’s eyes and will live in their minds always.

Author at work  (Photo by Vibeke Hanneman)

Lincoln sharing his thoughts  (Photo by Vibeke Hanneman)

Harriet Tubman revealing the evils of slavery.  (Photo by Vibeke Hanneman)

Confederates advance  (Photo by Vibeke Hanneman)

Union soldiers defend.  (Photo by Vibeke Hanneman)

BOOM!  (Photo by Vibeke Hanneman)

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A House Reunited

Joined in respect at the cemetery

Our Civil War teaches lessons still, important ones about honor, sacrifice and the price of freedom for all. Teachers and re-enactors created a dynamic civics classroom at San Lorenzo Park on May 12th. The students of Chalone Peaks Middle School entered it with energy and intelligence. They emerged with experiences they’ll remember their entire lives, experiences that will be the seeds of good citizenship. We began our day at King City Cemetery by honoring Civil War veterans buried there. Students read “Shiloh”, a great poem by Herman Melville. President Lincoln offered remarks about the difficult, crucial service the soldiers rendered. A rifle volley and taps ended our ceremony. We then marched on to battles, seminars and the Gettysburg Address.

Dave Park took great photos of the day. Please enjoy his work and the efforts of our students.

On the march

Honoring those who served


They’re here!

Cannon Fire

Pickett’s charge on the 3rd day of Gettysburg

 Meeting the charge

Joined hands at war’s end

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Civil War at San Lorenzo Park

Students and teachers of Chalone Peaks Middle School close each school year with a history and civics project – a day long reenactment of events from our Civil War.  Here are some of Ed Haskell’s great pictures from the 15th annual Civil War reenactment.

Union line

Students, teachers, parents and guests honor Civil War veterans interred at King City Cemetery.


Lee and Lincoln

Lee and Lincoln greet each other after a the ceremony.

skirmish 2

Hostilities commence with a skirmish between pickets.


Cannons roar!

Lee leads

Confederates attack!

Union D copyThe Union defends!


Harriet Tubman speaks with students.

Lincoln troops

President Lincoln addresses the troops


Filed under Front Page, The Civil War Remembered

Lesson Plans for Lulu


My Lulu Garlic, Contraband was recently recorded and broadcast by KVPR, an NPR affiliate. It is now available as a free podcast and is fifty minutes in length. Here is the link:


The story includes both Harriet Tubman and Abraham Lincoln as main characters. It details events from the last year of our Civil War. Teachers, should you wish to have your students listen to it, I’ve provided listening logs, directed reading assignments, reciprocal teaching assignments and three poster options. I think both the story and the assignments are suitable for 8th graders and up. All are free and here is the link:


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